In an effort to find great workers hiring GenZ’rs has almost become comical. In the process, it is really hard to realize who is the business owner and who is the employee by the way GenZ’rs respond this should be a welcoming situation for all the workers who still know how to be polite and considerate even though at times stuck in our ways. Here is a general synopsis and it’s of what we have heard before when interviewing GenZ’rs. This is the absolute truth if you can stand it
To a certain extent, you can actually respect their attitude and wish that you had had the courage to address certain bosses the same way during your tenure but to another extent as an employer it comes off as extremely disrespectful and entitled but never short of hilarious
The difference between older workers and Generation Z
What time can you start?
Older Workers: What time do you need me to start?
What time can you start?
Gen Z: I have to start when I feel like it!
Payday is every other Friday
OW: That’s fine
Payday is every other Friday
Gen Z: I need to be paid every Tuesday because of my lifestyle.
We are proud to be a black on company
OW: I’m glad to work for a black-owned company
We are proud to be a black on company
Gen Z: I think black leaders of toxic
Here is a contract when can you get started?
OW: Thank you I’ll have it over to you as soon as possible
Here is a contract for you to get started
Gen Z: That won’t work for me I’ll send you MY contract and I need it back by later today.
We are hiring you on a trial basis
OW: That’s fine
We are hiring you on the trail basis
Gen Z: Can’t we just make this full-time
This is what the job pays
OW: That’s fine
This is what the job pays
Gen Z: Can’t we just round it out to $500 more.
Training starts Wednesday through Friday
OW: That’s fine
Training starts Wednesday through Friday
Gen Z I need to take off on Friday