Take Speech Classes or Offer to Speak about Your Brand at an event
Community colleges offer so many courses for next to nothing or absolutely free. I##Q##m telling you. I have used parts from all the classes I THOUGHT were useless and I am glad I took them because they DO help to grow your business. When you are in your 20s and you are a college student, there is no way you can see or use the value as much as you can when you are older. Just about everyone that I know who went to college after high school and got their degrees… none of them are using it. They are all doing something else. Do any of us know what we want to do after high school? Probably not but we do know what we want to do as adults and we are in a better position to take advantage of learning because we have probably experienced these situations in real life by now. Check out your local colleges and see if they have something that you might be interested in taking to help you grow your brand. Another benefit, if your brand is youth driven this is a GREAT opportunity to connect with younger people and have something in common with them that can open the doors to get more information about trends.