Birmingham, AL, June 07, 2013 –(– Zachary Paul, writer/director, has turned to crowd sourcing for his third horror feature in an attempt to be “as cool as Zach Braff” and discover America’s Next Great Horror Host at the same time.
No-budget horror maverick, Zachary Paul, has decided to take his “backyard” production company, Make This A Movie Productions, to the next level. He is turning to Kickstarter, a crowd funding website, for the necessary boost. Funds raised will go towards not one but two exciting new projects. Museum of Horror will be a spooky anthology film along the lines of Creepshow or Tales from the Crypt. The second project will be a series of DVDs featuring horror shorts culled from entries submitted by indie directors across the US.
Paul was inspired by the success of Zach Braff’s Wish I Were Here campaign. “At this point, I truly wish I were as cool as Zach Braff,” jokes the young director. Paul is hoping to emulate only a modicum of the success of Braff. The Kickstarter goal for Museum of Horror and the DVD series is $60,000.
Furthermore, what makes this campaign even more unique is that Paul is seeking the new face of horror to be featured in both projects. “I’m a huge fan of Elvira, and I think that type of campy horror showmanship is missing in the genre these days. The genre has become so depressing lately,” states Paul when asked what has inspired the contest. The competition will run alongside the fundraising efforts of the Kickstarter campaign, starting the night of May 30th, with both ending on July 7th. “The last week we’ll reveal the finalists. Everyone will vote for their favorite, and the winner will be announced the same day as our successfully funded campaign comes to an end,” Paul adds optimistically.
Paul believes the winner can fill the shoes left by the likes of Vampira, Zacherle, and Elvira Mistress of the Dark. “We’re looking for girls, guys, and even guys who dress like girls. We just want someone who can embody all that is scary, funny, and sexy within the horror genre,” Paul says when asked what the ideal horror host should exude.
Special effects make up artist Jesse Lee adds, “It’s really exciting to bring this type of genre film back to life. There will be no CGI. The film will have an old school vibe to it and so will the effects.” Museum of Horror will be told in four different stories ranging from a suspenseful shocker in the vein of the classic Hepburn film, Wait Til’ Dark, to more over the top, gory fare along the lines of Return of the Living Dead or Creepshow.
“I joke and say Make This A Movie is a ‘back yard’ production company. We’ve done this no-budget stuff for years. I think we’re finally ready to move beyond the back yard,” Paul says with a huge grin as he puts the final touches on his Kickstarter campaign the night before launch. Zachary Paul and company plan to have Museum of Horror ready for Halloween screenings in October, with the launch of the DVD series shortly thereafter.
For Info On The Project or To Enter The Competition Go To Our Launch Page:
For Questions or Interview Requests:
Make This A Movie Productions
Zachary Paul
[email protected]
About Zachary Paul: Zachary (27) was born and raised in Birmingham, AL. Relying heavily upon a strong foundation of family and friends, Paul has crafted numerous short films as well as two features. Zachary is heavily influenced by Italian master Dario Argento. Despite his international taste, Paul intends to build his indie empire right at home, “Birmingham has a growing film community. They say Atlanta is the ‘Hollywood of the South’. I think we can help change that.”