Minding Your Own Damn Business – By Kevin Ross
Any successful black entrepreneur will tell you that running a SUCCESSFUL business can be both rewarding and very challenging; you are literally married to your business. You may not have much of a personal life or balance because running a successful business can become an addiction but as time goes on, you will become more accustomed to what it takes to have a smooth operation, which includes being able to delegate and hire the right people, keep your sales intact and continuing to educate yourself in your industry so that you can grow. It’s a herculean task and not everyone can do it but I have noticed that those who are not fully committed don’t reap the rewards and they continue to struggle. Whom will you be? The one that struggles or the one that succeeds? It’s up to you. Your business can make, break, build you or even KILL if you if you are not careful. Buy now at Amazon