Self-esteem is important for your happiness and overall well-being. Discover habits that can help you cope with low self-esteem and create a healthier you.
Feeling good about yourself isn’t just something to strive for. It’s essential to leading a healthy, fulfilling life. Low self-esteem can lead to poor decision-making, difficulty forming relationships, and an overall sense of dissatisfaction with life. But there are habits you can adopt that may help increase your self-esteem over time.
Make a List of Your Strengths and Accomplishments
One way to build your self-esteem is to make a list of your strengths, anything that sets you apart. This could include traits like being reliable, hardworking or innovative. You should also document any personal achievements and successes. Reflecting on these accomplishments can help remind you of your individuality and value, giving you more confidence in yourself.
Take Baby Steps to Reach Your Goals
Taking on too much at once can be overwhelming and discourage you from striving to achieve your goals. To make progress, it’s important to break them into small, achievable steps. Set smaller goals and celebrate successes along the way; this will create a sense of accomplishment and progress that can help boost your self-esteem. Additionally, setting proper expectations is key in determining success. Make sure that your goals are reasonable as well as challenging enough to keep you motivated.
Connect with Others Who Lift You up
Surrounding yourself with positive people can help boost your self-esteem. Spend your time around individuals who build you up and make you feel good about yourself. This could be in the form of friends, mentors, or role models. Participate in activities that are positive and productive; try to join groups that nourish rather than deplete your motivation and self-esteem.
Practice Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are statements that can boost one’s confidence and build self-esteem. You can make these statements about yourself in the present tense to counter negative beliefs and create positive change. Examples of potential affirmations could be “I am worthy” or “I am capable.” Sit down and take some time to write out your own personal positive affirmations to keep close at hand throughout the day.
Speak Kindly to Yourself
Self-talk has a direct impact on self-esteem, so it’s important to watch your words! When you find yourself in moments of self-doubt, practice speaking kindly and compassionately to yourself. This can be done by replacing any negative or harsh language with positive words and phrases that remind you of your strengths and talents.